INFORMAÇÃO: 1st GASi Online Symposium – September 4th – 6th

Informa-se das seguintes alterações ao XVIII simpósio da Group Analytic Society International (GASi)

“Dear colleagues and friends,

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the XVIII Symposium of the Group Analytic Society International (GASi) in Barcelona (“The Languages of Groups: the power to include and exclude”) had to be canceled. But since we wanted to keep the meeting alive we transformed it into the 1st GASi Online Symposium, internationalising it even more.

You´ll be able to enjoy our usual small experiential groups as well as in the classic large group. In addition, we will have keynote lectures, different presentations, workshops and posters. A light program, all live, has been designed to avoid the fatigue potentially caused by being in front of a screen for many hours. The experience of attending a conference like this one is significantly enhanced by the use of an online platform that provides much more than a mere series of Zoom sessions. The scientific program offers different options in the same time slot, but, since they will be recorded, you will be able to go back and enjoy all of them, at your leisure.

There will be spaces between sessions, to allow people to take breaks, but these will also be available for social gatherings which participants will be able to initiate. 

The main symposium sessions will be officially translated into Spanish, and we are working to offer the possibility of translation into other languages using technology and volunteer translators.

Registration fees for the symposium have been considerably reduced. Extra savings come from the lack of travel and lodging expenses.

The meeting will take place September 4-6, and we hope to encourage many colleagues and friends from all over the world to join us 🙂

You can find detailed information on registration and all other symposium-related issues on the website, which we try to keep constantly updated

Site do simpósio

Symposium Management Committee”

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