Webinar da AGPA (American Group Psychotherapy Association) conduzido por Haim Weinberg: The hybrid model (some participants are online, and some are in the room)

Caros associados,

Primeiramente, Irá realizar-se no próximo dia 9 de Outubro um webinar da AGPA (American Group Psychotherapy Association) conduzido por Haim Weinberg, reconhecido terapeuta de grupo que tem produzido bastantes artigos e livros sobre a terapia de grupo online e suas variantes. 

O webinar será sobre o modelo híbrido de terapia de grupo, onde alguns membros estão presentes fisicamente na sessão ainda que outros se encontrem online. Ainda assim, esta situação apresenta especificidades técnicas no funcionamento desta modalidade de grupos. 

Dado o contexto actual, temos aqui uma boa oportunidade para se poder reflectir sobre estas situações, visto que são comuns nos dias de hoje. 

Por fim, o programa e as informações sobre o webinar encontram-se abaixo. 

Poderá inscrever-se AQUI!

Programa do Webinar:

The hybrid model (some participants are online, and some are in the room) becomes an option nowadays, as some members are ready to come back face-to-face, while others are not yet ready to attend offline. However, does this model work well? What are your challenges and what are the conditions for achieving positive results? In this webinar, the presenter will address these issues by bringing clinical vignettes.

Learning Objectives

The participant will be able to:

  1. Cite current research about online group therapy.
  2. Describe hybrid groups. 
  3. Discuss the difficult dynamics emerging in hybrid groups.
  4. Describe the impact of technology on the success of hybrid groups.

Course References

  1. Burlingame, G. M., Strauss, B., & Joyce, A. (2021). Change mechanisms and effectiveness of small group treatments.Bergin and Garfield’s handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change, 17, 583-624. 
  2. Fernandez, E., Woldgabreal, Y., Day, A., Pham, T., Gleich, B., & Aboujaoude, E. (2021). Live psychotherapy by video versus in-person: A meta-analysis of efficacy and its relationship to types and targets of treatment. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 28(6), 1535- 1549. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpp.2594 . 
  3. Geller, S. (2020). Cultivating online therapeutic presence: strengthening therapeutic relationships in teletherapy sessions. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 1-17.
  4. Kaiser, J., Hanschmidt, F., & Kersting, A. (2021). The association between therapeutic alliance and outcome in internet-based psychological interventions: A meta-analysis. Computers in Human Behavior, 114, 106512. 
  5. Weinberg, H. (2021). Obstacles, Challenges and Benefits of Online Group Psychotherapy. American Journal of Psychotherapy.
  6. Weinberg, H (2020) Online group psychotherapy: Challenges and possibilities during COVID-19 – A practice review. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 24(3), 201-211. 
  7. Zigenlaub, E. and Stolper, E. (in presss) “Can I join online?” Hybrid group therapy that integrates online participants in face-to-face groups. In H. Weinberg, A.Rolnick, and A. Leighton, Practicing Online Group Therapy: Theory, Research, and Technical Considerations. NY: Routledge.

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